Wednesday, 5 July, 2006, 09:56 - Enemy Territory
Well I've finally been talked into installing Base Race on the nedETPRO server :) (you guys can stop hassling me now :P)Base Race (beta 3a)
Its a race, to build your base! Steal Construction Materials from your enemy's base and secure them at the various 'Capture Pads' located in your team's base. Different capture pads correspond to different base constructions and upgrades, so be sure to think about where you secure your Construction Materials. Capture Pads can be used multiple times to upgrade constructions. Also, constructions can be 'synergized' by completing combinations of other constructions. The first team to complete all 40 constructions / upgrades or have the most completed when the timer runs out wins!
For those that don't know how the map works (like me) have a look at the Baserace: Beta 3 - Mission Guide - HERE -
Arhabeach TE by B0n3g1b has been bug fixed and finalised... BUT... the new version has the same .pk3 & .bsb names so you will NEED to delete your current arhabeach_te.pk3 from your etmain folder (if you have one there). If you see arhabeach.pk3 you can delete that as well.
Arhabeach was first played on customs night 8 and was enjoyed by all. Always good games on this one! Custom nights history - HERE -
Download maps - HERE - :)
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