ned's blog

[D3] Doom 3 mp_vchat fix 
Friday, 11 July, 2008, 13:51 - Doom
The Doom 3 multiplayer voice commands never worked properly, even with the latest patch.
I've made a client config pack that fixes this.

• Works with Resurrection of Evil and most mods.
• Servers do not have to have the files for them to work.
• Will not conflict with Punkbuster.

Details - here -

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Paintball 2 test night soon 
Wednesday, 9 July, 2008, 00:23
Dummy from my - testing team - has requested a Paintball 2 test night! This was originally a Quake 2 mod and now a standalone game. It's very fast paced and a lot of fun!

Website - link -

Contact me if you're interested in playing/testing ;p
Test server coming soon!

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[D3] Doom 3 RoE SABot mod v1.3.1 
Wednesday, 9 July, 2008, 00:10 - Doom
Jarad "TinMan" Hansen put together a BOT mod for the Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil expansion pack. Not only did he do this, he updated it to run with the latest patch v1.3.1 !!

After a successful initial test - link -, a server will now be setup and ready to go on request.

Details - here -

Other work from TinMan:
• SABot for Quake 4 v1.4.2 - link -
• Dusk mod for Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars - link -

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[ET] maps added to FritzBot map-cycle 
Wednesday, 9 July, 2008, 00:04 - Enemy Territory
I've installed the beta keyword_fix on the server. This fix enables larger maps to be waypointed and played. Info - link.

Maps added to the map-cycle:
-The Port

nedET FritzBot details - here -

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[ET] ET server update! 
Friday, 4 July, 2008, 00:42 - Enemy Territory
I've added some maps to the FritzBot server and ETPro server.

new maps for FritzBot:
-Bloody Omaha - TNR360 -
-Bremen - Dersaidin -
-Crevasse - Dersaidin -
-Darji 2 - Loffy -

a couple of new maps in progress added for download
-Rock Eyes - zedd -
-The Port - Magic -

info and download links - here -

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[ET] Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Map Source Files Released 
Friday, 27 June, 2008, 22:53 - Enemy Territory
We are happy to announce that we have received approval from Kevin Cloud over at id Software to release the source maps that we created during our development of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. This is a belated present to mark Wolf:ET's fifth birthday that we reported on last month. The package is a modest 6 Megabytes in size and includes source .map files for all six of the officially released maps.

On a side note, for those of you wanting to import the maps into Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars, jRAD and Torchy assure me that this is indeed possible as EditWorld will happily import *.map files. Keep in mind that it will require some of the obvious texture path replacements and entity work, though.

- -

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Melanoma cure ! ? ! 
Friday, 20 June, 2008, 09:24 - >Misc Chat
Researchers in the United States say they have been able to cure a man with skin cancer by injecting the patient with billions of clones of his own immune cells.

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[ET] FritzBot server updates soon 
Sunday, 15 June, 2008, 12:15 - Enemy Territory
News and new maps for server soon! Stay Tuned!

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[TS] TimeShift 
Sunday, 15 June, 2008, 12:01 - TimeShift
TimeShift was on special at - EB Games - when I was there last. I'd heard some good feedback on this one so decided to buy it. I haven't played the single-player game yet but have had a quick look at the multiplay. The server options are quite good and seems to run nice and smooth. So... it's on the list for testing :)

If you would like to be involved in some testing of this game or others then feel free to join The xfire 'Testers Team'.
- -

official website - -
latest patch - link -

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[ETQW] new mod installed on test server - ETQWPro 
Friday, 13 June, 2008, 22:31 - ET: QUAKE Wars
I did some testing for an issue that - GameArena - had with their - ETQWPro - server. It turned out to be a strange but fixable problem. Here's some info - here.

So... now there's an ETQWPro mod test server set up :)
I'll keep updating it as the mod is updated.

server details - here -

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