ned's blog

[SOF3] SOF Payback 
Friday, 12 October, 2007, 14:05 - Soldier of Fortune
Well it's official!

After years of rumors it's finally going to happen. The next installment of the Soldier of Fortune series is about to be released. Mid November. Activision is releasing Soldier of Fortune Payback.

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^^^ check the above link for some ingame footage!

For multiplayer, there will be standard Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag modes, along with Elimination and Demolition modes, which we don't know much about at this point. There will be long-term stat tracking included for those who play online.

Let's hope there is a client option to disable stats.
What is it with noobs and stats now-a-days?

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[BF2] Australian Forces mod update 
Friday, 12 October, 2007, 08:54 - Battlefield
Battlefield 2: Australian Forces is a singleplayer and multiplayer modification for the team-based modern warfare game Battlefield 2. The aim of the Australian Forces modification is to replace the United States forces with Australian forces; including new player, weapon and vehicles skins, HUD changes, and new weapons and vehicles.

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This mod has been updated to v1.01

updates includes:

• Added: F89 Minimi
• Added: Gsid's added for maps
• Added: Highway Tampa map
• Added: Intro video
• Added: Kubaysah Cement Factory Night map
• Added: Night Vision Goggles
• Change: Crosshairs removed from handweapons
• Change: Enemy nametags removed many changes to weapons/vehicles and maps including damage stats, sounds and bug fixes... full details in the above link.

I've set up this mod for co-op play - here -

The latest version of Australian Forces can always be played on the official server.

Internode AusForces #1
Players: 24

Give this mod a go!

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[D3] Classic Doom for Doom 3 mod update 
Thursday, 11 October, 2007, 11:15 - Doom
we have put together a new “final” release of our mod, Classic Doom 3 to satiate those who have recently bought Doom 3 via the steam download service, or those who wish to play the mod running Doom 3 patch 1.3.1.


This is a great mod! I highy recommend this to anyone who loves the feeling of running around blasting stuff into oblivion and loved the prior Dooms. This mod is now updated to run with the latest patched version of Doom 3 (v1.3.1) Multiplayer Deathmatch is also an option for ALL the maps.

Install what you need to play this mod, crank up the sound and play this beast =]
The mod is Classic Doom for Doom 3, and will feature the first episode of The Ultimate Doom.

Official Classic Doom website - here -

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[FEAR] expansion news 
Thursday, 11 October, 2007, 10:10 - FEAR
Extraction Point was the first expansion pack released for F.E.A.R. It was single-player only and followed the story perfectly from the original game.

Perseus Mandate is being released soon as expansion pack #2. The difference with this one is that it will give players a multi-player option. Even Balance, Inc. has been contracted by Sierra Entertainment to give us Punkbuster support - link. Thank You Sierra Entertainment !!

Perseus Mandate trailer - here -
Perseus Mandate single-player demo - here -

The demo offers a look at two new weapons and some very nice special effects but nothing really new to grab anyone who wasn't a fan of the original game, especially with the current new releases. Saying that... fans will love this pack :)

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[D3] new IP for nedDOOM3 server 
Tuesday, 9 October, 2007, 10:30 - Doom
New IP from today!!

nedDOOM3 server details plus more - here -

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[BF2] BF Pirates 2 update! 
Saturday, 6 October, 2007, 00:54 - Battlefield
BF Pirates 2 has been updated to v1.2

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1.2 is not a patch, instead it is a full installer. Therefore, it is vital that you uninstall the previous version of BFP2 from your hard drive.

update includes fixes, changes and new content!
details - here -

The download includes a well presented manual in .pdf
have a look at it :)

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[ET] FritzBot news 
Tuesday, 2 October, 2007, 11:00 - Enemy Territory
the bindlestiff has released another multi-map fritzbot pack! TomTom, the bindlestiff and 420Blunt has given us more fritzbot joy with over 15 new maps now having fritzbot support. There are also updates of previously released work.

Fritz2 multi-map BOT pack can be downloaded - here -
-full readme details in above link-

The nedET [FritzBot] server is now offline but is fired up on request. The FritzBot part of the forum has been updated.

For more FritzBot resources see TomTom's website - info -

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[BF2] BF Pirates 2 mod released 
Thursday, 20 September, 2007, 09:07 - Battlefield
release 1.0 of the BF Pirates 2 mod is out ;p

• total conversion
• Undead v Peglegs

This really is an impressive mod. A massive amount of work has gone into this. All I can say is it's well worth a look! DOWNLOAD IT NOW !!

I'll definitely be setting up a server for this... some great LAN fun here =]

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[UT04] UT2Vote v5.7 released! 
Saturday, 8 September, 2007, 09:13 - Unreal
ProAsm has released an update (v5.7) for the great mod, UT2Vote.

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Changes and Fixes in UT2Vote57

Map Count
Fixed the problem where the last map (250) was left out.

Clan Maps
Fixed problem with Clan Map sorting.
Fixed problem with ClanSetup menu monitoring paused game.
Fixed problem where clan map download timer expired prematurely.

Admin Game Settings
Fixed the problem where the Admin could not correctly set the options in the AdminGame Menu.

Admin Leaving Server
Fixed the problem where the Admin was not removed from the Admin list when leaving a Server.

Added ?Tickrate= option to each GameType string to adjust server tickrate.

Top 10 Maps
Increased to a maximum of 30 maps depending on mapname length.

This option has been put back in the IniOnly section and is used for slower servers that tend to dump their players if the level takes to long to changeover.
Default is 60, but if difficulties are experienced, this should be incresed to 90.

Spectator Spying.
This is a new feature which has been added both Serverside and Clientside.
When enabled on both sides and a Spectator is viewing a player, that Player will be notified via a message on his/her screen that they are being viewed.
When the Spectator switches their view to another player, the previous player will also be notified that he/she is no longer being viewed by that particular player.
If the Admin sets this serverside setting as False all Spectator Spying will be disabled regardless of the Clientside settings.
Allow Spy Messages
Here the player has the option of checking or unchecking this option.
If unchecked no messages will appear should a spectator be viewing this player.

The nedUT2004 server, the 'Good Stuff' thread and the nedUT2004_pack have all been updated.
(the new Spectator Spy function is disabled on the server)

Details - here -
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[SS2] Serious Sam II FAQs 
Thursday, 30 August, 2007, 09:02 - Serious Sam
I've added an FAQs thread explaining the version mismatch error and how to see what version of the game you are running.

Details - here -

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