[SOF3] SOF Payback BANNED in AUS
Friday, 19 October, 2007, 09:28 -
Soldier of Fortune
The Australian
Office of Film and Literature Classification -
link - has given the upcoming
Soldier of Fortune Payback a 'Refused Classification' (RC) rating. Apparently there is no official R18+ rating for games in Australia so anything that would normally fit into this catagory is simply banned.
This isn't just a rumor, it's listed in the above site on their database.
Soldeir of Fortune Payback official site
http://mercenarieswanted.comHere are a couple of articles regarding the ban:
http://news.com.au/story/sofp-banAll this really does is reduce sales to game selling businesses and prevents servers from being run in Australia. Looks like the NZ servers will be busy. The already large problem of piracy and torrent downloading will now get worse in November when this game is released overseas. Australian businesses will now lose money simply because Australia doesn't have an R18+ rating for games... eg. game selling businesses and game server providers.
How hard can it be to include an R18+ rating for games?
It's there for other forms of media so why not games?