ned's blog

[FEAR] Tokara Forest made for FEAR 
Monday, 29 January, 2007, 09:02 - FEAR
A mapper by the name of Lobotomy has recreated Tokara Forest for F.E.A.R.
Unreal Tournament players will know this map well as it's a UT original.
This is an amzing recreation and I'm looking forward to the final version!

Details - here -

Look out for a server named 'Tokara Forest test' over the next few days!

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[ET] GA season 9 configs for nedETPRO news 
Saturday, 27 January, 2007, 07:24 - Enemy Territory
The public released server mapscripts and season 9 .config have issues. The mapscripts for radar, frostbite and braundorf don't match the hash numbers in the config. All other season 9 maps are ok. Currently if any of these three maps are selected the server configs will not load and the etpro default comp settings are forced.

They are aware of this. The server will be updated as soon as I have the correct mapscripts.

...stay tuned!

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[ET] server configs updated 
Friday, 26 January, 2007, 03:10 - Enemy Territory
GameArena season 9 has started. The nedETPRO server configs have been updated. The only difference between season 8 and 9 are maps and the addition of mapscripthashes in the config to ensure that servers have the same mapscripts as GA (trouble is the main config has no 'signature' so it's kind of irrelevent and easy to bypass).

season 8 - 9 changelog
swapped El Kef (SW) for El Kef (GA)
removed Heart of Gold
added Sottevast (beta 3b)
added Wurttemberg (beta 4)

nedETPRO details - here -

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[UT04] nedUT2004 update 
Friday, 26 January, 2007, 01:47 - Unreal
By request, I've been working on improving some of the UT2004 info.

• nedUT2004_pack updated.
-now includes info and 'how to install' text file
-now includes .ogg files - see info.txt for details -

• Improved install and file info on server page.

• TAM 1v1 config setup for internal TOG comp completed.

• BotManager mod now available to download in a non-ut4mod format.

All details - here -

keep on fraggin' =]

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[ET] new maps --- Supply Depot & Wurttemberg 
Thursday, 25 January, 2007, 11:31 - Enemy Territory
GameArena Enemy Territory season 9 has begun - link -
Two maps have been added to the server to comply with season 9

• Supply Depot (v1.0 final)
• Wurttemberg (beta 4)

Maps can be downloaded from the server or - here -

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[ET] fritzbot Adlernest update 
Sunday, 21 January, 2007, 11:58 - Enemy Territory
Crapshoot has updated his Adlernest pack!

-tweaked balance
-improved offense
-modified engineer routing to door controls
-tweaked pathing at documents so they jump on the table better

Latest pack (v1.03) can be downloaded from the server or - here -
big improvments in this one!

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[FEAR] server finally completed! 
Sunday, 21 January, 2007, 11:51 - FEAR
Well it took a while but the FEAR server is completed!
The final step was to get the med-station skin finished.

All FEAR details - here -

2v2 TDM matches starting soon!
...stay tuned

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[ET] ET news 
Thursday, 18 January, 2007, 10:31 - Enemy Territory
happy ET times!

• new ET map site
- -

• splashdamage forums are back up!
- -

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[RtCW] wolf night wed 17-Jan-07 
Wednesday, 17 January, 2007, 07:49 - Wolfenstein
I'm switching my Enemy Territory server over to my Return to Castle Wolfenstein server for one night tonight! These RtCW events will run maybe once a month. (will run on request)

Server details plus more here - here -

TOG and >oB< will be there... all welcome!

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[ET] map update --- Sottevast (beta 3b) 
Tuesday, 16 January, 2007, 13:14 - Enemy Territory
Dersaidin has released an update for Sottevast being beta 3b.
• Tunnel barricade, can be constructed by either team.
• Fixed scripting so that Allies will now get the forward flag for 30 seconds when main door blows. (Previously they had to be holding it to secure it for 30 seconds.)

On server now!

Download from server or - here -

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