Saturday, 27 December, 2008, 04:22 - Far Cry
Posted by ned
One of annoyances I found with Far Cry 2 was the key-binds that I setup only worked for singleplayer. When playing the multiplayer portion of the game, only some of the binds would work. Using the standard binds looked to be the only answer which to many is very annoying particularly if you are very used to specific binds like I am for nearly every game I play.Posted by ned
BUT, OS|Wendigo posted a fix on the Ubisoft forum - link -
-start the game
-login to multiplayer
-enter a server (probably easier to just create your own)
-go to options menu - controls
-select defaults and re-map your keys
cheers OS|Wendigo!
Far Cry 2 version at time of this blog entry is 1.02
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