Saturday, 29 December, 2012, 06:30 - >Misc Chat
Posted by ned
2012 Posted by ned
What a year.
BIG real life changes.
Very LITTLE gaming.
Virtually no internet connection.. tethering via my iPhone and 3G isn't game friendly.
It's been 12 month since my last post!
Here's a list of some things I'll be doing in the near future when time permits.
Will be checking out Doom 3: BFG Edition and see if it works with my nedDOOM3 [RealDamage] Mod.
I'm curious about Far Cry 3 co-op.
TomTom over at the FritzBot forums is back working on waypoints which is awesome news! I'll be having a look at them for sure..
All servers are offline for now and have been for several months.
More info on this hopefully soon.
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